i love collecting things! And as it turns out, its a lot easier to collect things online than it is in real life, so my digital hoard is a good bit bigger than my physical one. Here are some highlights of mine!
i play goatlings on and off, but i love appearance dolls! i don't spend the money to apply them, but i keep them in my gallery! here are all the ones I have! they're in seperate images because i like lots of little things as opposed to one big thing. i'll update this as i get more! and of course, i'm putting my goats here as well. i've been playing chicken smoothie since 2014! it's my favorite to date. i am trying to collect every monthy released pet from 2013 and onward! I am currently working on 2018 and onwards, but I'm getting closer to my goal every day. I also hoard bats, deer, and dragons. below you'll find my oldest pets, my favorites, and my bat hoard. you can find my profile here! 10+ year old rare-omgsr i love bats ! i love nonograms! i do them in class and i like to keep track of them. The website keeps track of them for me, of course, but like everything else, i want to show them off here. so here are my nonograms, sorted into black/white (my favorite) and colored. I will mostly show off only the ones I think look cool.
I don't play this too often, but I enjoy it! Here are my current dragons!
appearance dolls
chicken smoothie
oldies but goodies
bat hoard
black and white
Flight Rising